The Chairborne Ranger Battalion is a Joint Service organization, we accept members (veterans) from all branches of service and from any country. This is a prestigious unit and we take pride in our ability to Rest and Relax at any given moment. If you meet all the qualifications and would like to become a member of the VVR Chairborne Ranger Battalion, contact us using the link below.

We host three groups of Chairborne Rangers:

1. Military veterans (Chairborne Rangers)
2. Non-military (Chairborne Rangers Auxiliary)
3. Pets (Chairborne Rangers Critter Squad)


 In order to become a member of the VVR Chairborne Ranger Battalion you must be able to do and attest to the following.

1. Sit and remain in a relaxed position for a minimum of 1 hour.
2. Be able to take a nap when needed or when wanted.
3. Be able to do the items on your "honey-do" list with as little effort as possible.
4. If chosen to be a Squad Leader or any other leadership position, you must be able to lead by example, thus showing and encouraging a maximum in R&R time.
5. Be, at the minimum, an occasional listener of Vietnam Vet Radio


A free 8x10 certificate is sent to all Chairborne Rangers, Auxiliary Rangers and Critter Squad members.





A Pete Bingham
Alan Barrick
Alan Beisenkamp
Alfredo Garcia
Archie Hickerson
Arnie Lilly
Art Abild
Art Stanley
Arthur "Jim" Laker
Barry Hunter
Bart Stack
Bartholomew Stack
Bennie Blount
Bill Carney
Bill Cowan
Bill Darby
Bill Fulcrod
Bill Greninger
Bill Kaminski
Bill McCrory
Bill Schulz
Bill Sheck
Billy Johnson
Billy Ray Bolen
Bob Boucher
Bob Martin
Bob Wilgus
Brian Dexter
Bruce "Knobby" Knoblock
Bruce Cook
Bruce Forman
Byron Fields
Canaan Toppetta
Carl Paradis
Carlton Ripple
Charles "Frosty" Swinford
Charlie Penny
Christopher (Rock) Stone
Chuck Rantzow
Clinton W Weekley
Clyde Smothers
Dale Angood
Dan Higgins
Dan Neuharth
Dan Stanaway
Dana Orf
Daniel Rysanek
Daniel Shockley
Danny Swisher
Darrell Jones
Darrell Kelley
Dave Conklin
Dave Thompson
David A. Dietz
David Dunkle
David L Loflin
David Rogers
David Sparkman
David Strong
David Turner
David Wilson
Debralee Sturdevant
Dennis Fears
Dennis Walters
Don Dulaitis
Don Kimball
Don Lomax
Donald L Renovato
Donn Sinclair
Drew Meyers
Dusty (ER) Daniel
Ed Borek
Ed Calianese
Ed Heath
Ed Hepler
Ed Holmes
Ed McNeil
Ed Rohner
Ed Smallegan
Eddie Brooke
Edward Jackson
Elvis Carden
Francis "Mike" Gigilio
Fred "Doc" Gardner
Fred Burkamp
Gary Blackmore
Gary Fields
Gaston Mccauley
Gary Walsh
Gene Gray
Gene Guinta
Geoff Zorger
George A. Xirau
George Coppola
George Leroy Montana Trueblood
Gerald W Burgoon Jr
Glenn Lee Fox
Gordon Holmes
Guillermo Carlos Constantin
Harold Chapman
Harry J Moser, Jr
Irving Johnson
James Brady
James D Carr
James D Kirkpatrick
James Dickey
James Earnhart
James H Lady
James Johnson
James Nelson
James Violante
James Whary
Jenks Jenkens
Jerry Burgoon
Jerry Creamer
Jerry Shellman
Jerry Yarbrough
Jim Banning
Jim Byrer
Jim Gutshall
Jim Hayman
Jim Miller
Jim Stiles
Jim Sturdevant
Jimmy Grant
John Casey
John D. Wilson III
John Devine
John Hendrickson
John J Capua Jr
John Jenkins
John Marvin Tarr
John McCarthy
John Mustian
John Pitacciato
John Polpvoy
John Poplawski
John Pruett
John Pyle
John Spencer
John Stevenson
John Vermillion
Joseph Lee
Julian Stanton
Keith Brong
Keith Wichert
Kenneth M Badget
Kenneth A Hendrix
Kenneth Henson
Kenneth McCutcheon
Kenny Hooberry
Kerry Farnham
Larry Cardoza
Larry Eisenman
Larry Ensminger
Larry Grubb
Larry Lamb
Larry Lee Letzer Sr.
Larry Ochalek
Larry White
Lionel White
Lloyd Bornmann
Lori Asevedo
Lyle Rabbitts
Lynn "Snoopy" Franks
Marion "Will" Morris
Mark OBrien
Mark Stampfli
Marty Bliven
Maurice McGleish
Mayne Manson
Merrill R. Shaffer
Merv Nairn
Michael Bingham
Michael A. Sikkens
Michael B. Hickman
Michael B. Yavor
Michael Peters
Michael Rogalsky
Mike Art
Mike Peters
Mike Pilciki
Mike Roedersheimer
Mike Tharp
Nathan Stanfield
Neal S. Durham
Newell F Applegate
Nolan Babineaux
Owen Levine
Partick Kelley
Patricia Douglas
Paul Bylin, SP4
Paul Garnett
Paul Hanes
Paul Hinzman
Paul Paquette
Paul Valek
Paul Wilcox Jr
Pete Turner
Peter Gonzales
Peter Rothrock
Peter Sammon
Peter Thomas
Phil Cary
Phil Pakiela
Randy Rollins
Randy N. Simmons
Randy Travis
Ray Blanda
Ray Thomas
Rebekka A. Bekkas Eisele
Reggie Schell
Richard Bates
Richard Koerner
Richard Maskil
Richard Shoemaker
Rick Ivars
Rick Sechrist
RJ Daley
Robert Alan Rainey
Robert B Hinshaw
Robert D. McCormick
Robert G StJohn
Robert J. Richardson Jr
Robert Kuhn
Robert L. Reed
Robert Langdon
Robert Meyers
Robert Michael Casillas
Robert Sandow
Rod White
Rodney E Ward
Rodney Ward Sr
Roger Wolff
Rolland B. Shipe
Ron Jackson
Ron Swain
Ronald Lingle
Ronald Pasko
Roswell Barr
Roy Korkalo
Ruben Guerrero
Sam Veer
Scott Kelley
Shephard "Skip" Kays
Simon Hansjuergen
Stan Maroon
Stan Sheram
Stanley Hood
Stephen Grissom
Steve Hall
Steve Swan
Steven A. Kallenbach
Terry Fetterman
Terry Ramsey
Thom Lemmons
Thomas Kirkhart
Thomas Lakey
Thomas Nall
Timothy Bertrand
Tjorven Tjsteinen
Tom Jones
Ulli Peschen
Uwe Reinhold
Vincent Darcangelo
Warren Althouse
Wesley Michael
William (Bill) Heaney
William O. Holton
William Robert Boemer
Zeke Ressler






Alessa M McCaughey
Angelo M. Tamburello
Anita White
Anna L. Earnhart
Barb Holmes
Bernadette Lamb
Bill Blaine
Canaan Toppetta
Carol Weir
Charlene Althouse
Corine Veltmeyer
Cynthia Kirkhart
Danielle D Holton
Delight Blount
Diana Smothers
Diane Maroon
Ella Fugate
Ennie Trueblood
Evelyn K. Dexter
Isaiah Perkins
Jacob Hooper
Jason McCarthy
Jim Mandelblatt
Joy Lemmons
JoAnn Vance
Karen Carden
Kayleen Durham
Kevin M. Connelly
Kim Hickerson
Kwang Im Pruett
Larry Jellison
Linda White
Lissa Hart
Maddie Eisele
Manuel Asevedo
Marilynn I Strong
Melanie Janssen
Monica Jackson
Pat Maguire
Rudiger Schlag
Shirley Lilly
Shirley McGleish
Stacie Perkins
Steph Rose
Thomas Borg
Tim Famulla
Vicki Art
Victor Dougan
Wendy Kimball
Zenaida Lomax




Bandit Neal Durham
Bar None Peter J Sammon
Bella David Dunkle
Bradey David Sparkman
Coco David Sparkman
Daisy Phil Pakiela
Dashuri Marty Bliven
Demon David and Marilynn Strong
Eli Thom and Joy Lemmons
Faith Lori Asevedo
First Sergeant Ben (Emeritus) Thom and Joy Lemmons
George Lori Asevedo
Gunny Dusty Daniel
Gussie Steve Swan
Gypsy Rod and Linda White
Heidi Richard Shoemaker
Henry Canaan Toppetta
Killer Michael B. Yavor
Misha Ronald Pasko
Misty Larry Cardoza
Moxie Pete Turner
Otto Lloyd Bornmann
Pebbles David M. Sparkman
Piper Fred "Doc" Gardner
Rambo Jason McCarty
Rascal David Sparkman
Red John Pyle
Reese Ed and Barbara Holmes
Ringo Bruce Forman
Rocky Jason McCarthy
Sailor Sam Dan Dry Dock Shockley
Seraph James and Anna Earnhart
Sparky Skip Kays
SSGT Max Jim Stiles
Suki Ed and Barbara Holmes
Tucker The Supermutt David Wilson
Willie Stan and Diane Maroon
Zane Thom and Joy Lemmons
Zeus Jerry Shellman




VVR Chairborne Rangers Emeritus

Ken Wheatley - Australia

John Walters - USA

Lloyd Hibbard - USA

Bob Marley - USA

John Miller - USA

Jerry E. Webb - USA

Bobby Clements - USA



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